
Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog. The purpose of this blog is to share with the world anything and everything I find amusing. As I spend a decent portion of my time awake stumbling and/or looking through memebase, I think it only fair that I share my discoveries with those like-minded individuals who appreciate such things. Maybe from time to time I'll even try to write some articles of my own. For now, I wish you a happy viewing experience, and may the force be with you. Over and out.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


So I lied about that last post (the one about Flash Portal) being my last of the night. I was just sitting in my room reading Catch-22 when I suddenly got this flash of memories from when I was in kindergarten and elementary school. I know that sounds pretty weird (and maybe a little bit stupid), but it was actually a pretty powerful minute or two. The weird thing was that the memories seem more like dreams now than anything else. I can distinctly remember playing at recess and climbing on logs and a lot of other things, but it's as if I'm viewing these mental images through a lens. More than that, I realized that I haven't thought about those things for a very long time. It's as if I'm remembering old dreams seen by another person. It was strange to look down at myself and realize that me, sitting here in my room, as I am now, is the same person as that little kid. Man. Makes you appreciate how narrow your view on yourself can be sometimes. Thanks for making this far. I know there are a lot of words and no pictures. Just something to think about I suppose.