
Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog. The purpose of this blog is to share with the world anything and everything I find amusing. As I spend a decent portion of my time awake stumbling and/or looking through memebase, I think it only fair that I share my discoveries with those like-minded individuals who appreciate such things. Maybe from time to time I'll even try to write some articles of my own. For now, I wish you a happy viewing experience, and may the force be with you. Over and out.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pokemon Black

Greetings everyone. I just stumbled onto this rather creepy hack of the original Pokemon games (Red and Blue). I've actually read about it before, but this article is better. I think it's really worth a read if you played Pokemon back in the day like I did, and/or are even mildly interested in mods and hacks. Creepy? Very. Fascinating? Absolutely.